About Us



Hemp is among the earliest plants cultivated by man. Evidence of its use dates back to 4.000 B.C.  With the fibers obtained from the hemp stems and medicine derived from its flowers it was a prized crop first found in China.

We are dedicated to bringing these known qualities in their purest form to the people that most need its benefits. Simply put, provide a high quality to an informed and wanting public.

We believe the only way to stand behind a product and guarantee its qualities is to control it from seed to shelf. With this in mind a key goal of ours will be to develop an artisan process that takes the product though the acquisition of seeds,  organically raising the plants, extracting the oil using cold press techniques,  and  testing, labeling and packaging the product.

We are committed to a sustainable path and an environmentally friendly footprint. To reduce power consumption we are using highly efficient LED light technology, to reduce water consumption we use reverse osmosis to recycle our water, and to reduce our environmental impact we compost, use only organic products, and use recycling technologies where ever possible in the materials we use and the packaging we distribute.


We see a need for small hemp farming and production as a counterpoint to large agricultural concerns. As with the bourbon, equestrian, and tobacco industry the small companies have assured a diverse selections, superior products and a local devotion.

We believe that putting product and employees first will optimize returns for all concerned.

We believe transparency and information sharing can result in improved quality and yields and reassure customers of our companies direction.


Our Approach

Our Story


Derby City Extracts draws on over 32 years of experience of successful entrepreneurship spanning multiple companies of varied sizes. This experience is an excellent resource to apply to a new industry as it gets started and matures.

Additionally, much of this experience was in the field of computers and electronics. This along with an earlier agricultural background allows us to understand, maximize, and monitor results and respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities.

Derby City Extracts has also accumulated years of experience in developing successful practices and protocols for aeroponic vertical farming. Beginning with rudimentary Deep-Water Culture in 2015 to our current processes using high pressure vertical aeroponics we plan to apply this experience in producing artisan hemp oil.